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Array().join(" ") & Object & Property & 객체의 property로 담겨있는 function이 method처럼 작동 & 'in' & 객체에 property를 더하고 빼는법 & class.prototype.method()

by koreashowme 2020. 1. 21.

describe("Object에 관해서", function() {

describe("Property에 관해서", function() {

let meglomaniac;


beforeEach(function() {

meglomaniac = { mastermind: "Joker", henchwoman: "Harley" };



it("객체에 property가 존재하는지 확인합니다.", function() {




it("객체의 property는 알파벳 대소문자를 구분합니다.", function() {






it("객체의 property로 담겨있는 function이 method처럼 작동하는지 확인합니다.", function() {

const meglomaniac = {

mastermind: "Brain",

henchman: "Pinky",

battleCry: function(noOfBrains) {

return (

"They are " +

this.henchman +

" and the" +

Array(noOfBrains + 1).join(" " + this.mastermind) // " " 만큼 간격을 주고 합친다.





const battleCry = meglomaniac.battleCry(4);

expect("They are Pinky and the Brain Brain Brain Brain").toMatch(battleCry);



it("'this'에 관해서", function() {

const currentDate = new Date();

const currentYear = currentDate.getFullYear();

const meglomaniac = {

mastermind: "James Wood",

henchman: "Adam West",

birthYear: 1970,

calculateAge: function() {

return currentYear - this.birthYear;








describe("'in'에 관해서", function() {

let meglomaniac;

beforeEach(function() {

meglomaniac = {

mastermind: "The Monarch",

henchwoman: "Dr Girlfriend",

theBomb: true




it("'theBomb'이라는 key를 가지고 있어야 합니다.", function() {

const hasBomb = "theBomb" in meglomaniac;





it("'theDetonator'라는 key를 가지고 있어선 안됩니다.", function() {

const hasDetonator = "theDetonator" in meglomaniac;






it("객체에 property를 더하고 빼는법을 확인합니다.", function() {

const meglomaniac = { mastermind: "Agent Smith", henchman: "Agent Smith" };


expect("secretary" in meglomaniac).toBe(false);


meglomaniac.secretary = "Agent Smith";

expect("secretary" in meglomaniac).toBe(true);


delete meglomaniac.henchman;

expect("henchman" in meglomaniac).toBe(false);



it("prototype를 사용해 모든 instance 객체에 property와 method 추가하는 법을 확인합니다.", function() {

function Circle(radius) {

this.radius = radius;



let simpleCircle = new Circle(10); // 10

let colouredCircle = new Circle(5); // 5

colouredCircle.colour = "red";


expect(simpleCircle.colour).toBe(undefined); // 10

expect(colouredCircle.colour).toBe("red"); // 5


Circle.prototype.describe = function() {

return "This circle has a radius of: " + this.radius;



expect(simpleCircle.describe()).toBe("This circle has a radius of: 10");

expect(colouredCircle.describe()).toBe("This circle has a radius of: 5");



